
How To Start A Nursing Concierge Service

What Does it Mean to be a Concierge Nurse?

You might exist request yourself, " This sounds like a dandy opportunity, but what makes a concierge nurse different than an in-home health nurse? " Continue reading!

The Professional RN Network highlights a few of the differences between a concierge and an in-home health nurse, these include:

• In most cases, a concierge nurse is an independently practicing RN; meaning they do not have to be employed through an bureau, hospital, or medico.

• Unlike home healthcare agency nurses, a concierge nurse will not bill a patient's insurance company or government health plan.

– Along these same lines, every bit long as the requested service is within the telescopic of nursing practice, a concierge nurse can provide any service that a patient may demand.

concierge nurse

What Does a Concierge Nurse Exercise?

As you already know, nursing is its own healthcare specialty and n urses tin exercise a lot without a doctor's society to back up the wellness of their patients.

The original concierge model of boutique concierge healthcare services started in 1996 when a program in u.s. of Oregon and Washington began offering their residents direct and unlimited access to healthcare services for an upfront (and expensive) cost.

Back then, it would price upwardly to $13,200 per patient, and $20,000 for a family programme per year. Currently, there are still plans similar this that are available across the land, and some nurses fifty-fifty offer a monthly subscription or hourly service!

For patients who accept had a medical procedure, a concierge nurse will provide personalized patient intendance from the comfort of their own habitation.

Additionally, their services are usually offered to those who are bed jump.

Private nursing care facility, Jill Tucker Nursing Services , highlights a few of the services their concierge nurses can provide to patients:

  • IVF Injection Assistants
  • Iv Home Infusions
  • Medical Escort from Office
  • Registered Nurse for Sign-Out
  • Wound Care and Bandaging
  • Private Care in the Hospital
  • Palliative Care Home Hospice Care

What Does the Pay Look Similar?

Equally of May 2021, online chore recruiting agency, ZipRecruiter , outlines that the boilerplate annual salary for a concierge nurse is roughly $61,977; of form, pay scales range based on location.

With the popularity of concierge nursing continuing to ascension, opportunities are often plant in large cities like New York City and Los Angeles.

If you have a niche or are a seasoned professional in a nursing specialty such as plastic surgery, PACU, ICU, or primary care, concierge nursing could be an awesome gig for you!

How To Start A Nursing Concierge Service,


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