
How To Stop Antimalware Service Executable

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From employee scandals to legal controversies, some companies accept faced serious issues after their CEOs put their unabridged future in jeopardy with their questionable actions. Even powerhouse companies like Nike, Victoria'due south Hush-hush, Groupon, Etsy and Uber weren't immune from damaged reputations caused by controversial CEOs.

Intense media backlash, fallouts with shareholders, lies, arrests and enough of questionable deportment — these CEOs nearly cost their companies everything. Are you lot gear up to meet the controversial entrepreneurs who were fired from their own businesses? Allow's have a look!

John Schnatter – Papa Johns

When nosotros talk about a CEO hit with the most media backlash, the ane and just John Schnatter of Papa John'southward Pizza comes to mind. Schnatter came under fire because of his comments related to the NFL and national canticle protests. He effectively said poor NFL leadership affected Papa John'south shareholders.

Photo Courtesy: Eneida Nieves/Pexels

What really didn't help his case was that he dropped a racial slur in the process. The intense social media backfire resulted in a xxx% driblet in Papa John's share price. As of 2019, Schnatter has sold a third of his stock in the visitor, claiming it's doomed, and he doesn't want to encounter the crash.

I of the virtually controversial Hollywood personas in 2019, Harvey Weinstein is a former motion picture producer who came under fire when advocates of the #metoo entrada accused him of sexually assaulting more than fourscore women during his time as an influential Hollywood figure. Due to the intense and firsthand backlash past the Hollywood moving picture industry and on social media, his own visitor fired him.

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Weinstein no longer works in the picture industry due to his reputation. He is still subject to plenty of lawsuits and other significant court cases surrounding the sexual assault allegations. One criminal trial recently started in January 2020.

Rob Kalin – Etsy

Rob Kalin is ane of those founders that quit his own company not only once, but twice — first in 2008 and again three years after in 2011. Although Etsy'southward global reputation remains solid, rumor has it that Kalin wasn't up to the challenge of scaling the company'southward growth. According to critics, Etsy wasn't managed professionally nether Kalin's leadership.

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Rather than damaging the company's reputation further, he decided to leave and mitt things over to Chad Dickerson, who was later fired. The share price of the company plummeted, and 17% of Etsy's workforce was laid off in 2017.

Travis Kalanick – Uber

Travis Kalanick is perhaps one of the near notable names in the corporate earth. Being the founder of Uber was never an easy job, and Kalanick came under burn down subsequently the company faced a major public relations crisis in 2017. Uber was accused of toxic in-firm environments, sexual harassment and an unethical culture.

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The controversial CEO reportedly ignored repeated sexual harassment claims in the visitor and behaved inappropriately in professional person situations, prompting growing business organisation for Uber'southward in-house and global reputation. After many controversies, he resigned in 2017 along with several other elevation visitor managers.

Jonah Peretti – BuzzFeed

BuzzFeed's reputation tends to be questioned and criticized due to the variety of content on the platform. When Jonah Peretti, the visitor's CEO, had to allow more than than 200 employees go without warning, the controversial actions quickly became public knowledge.

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The visitor was criticized for not paying its community contributors, including an unpaid teenager who brought in more than 130 million website views in 2018 with her quizzes. Peretti besides came under burn after suggesting that people bring puppies to the office on the mean solar day of the layoffs, an action that many accounted to be insensitive.

Roger Ailes – Fox News

2017 was a huge year for controversies in the earth of large business organization and CEOs, and many of those controversies concluded up changing companies forever. Fox News was no stranger to controversy and scandal, simply the network giant took a huge reputation hit in 2017.

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The company'due south CEO, Roger Ailes, and some top news anchors in the company were accused of multiple counts of sexual harassment. The anchors got their shows canceled, and Ailes was fired when more than than a dozen women came forward to charge him. In May 2017, Ailes passed away from hemophilia.

Lee Jae-yong – Samsung

Samsung faced its biggest controversy in 2016, thanks to issues with exploding batteries that hurt both people and the company'southward reputation. Just a year subsequently, the company came nether fire for its questionable leadership. Samsung is family-run, with Lee Jae-yong once at the forefront.

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Yet, in 2017 Jae-yong was arrested based on accusations of embezzlement and abuse, which included bribing Republic of korea'south ex-president. He was released from jail in 2018, but his futurity with Samsung is unclear. The company was besides guilty of several labor offenses, and antitrust concerns arose after Jae-yong's bribery scandal.

Aubrey McClendon – Chesapeake Free energy

Leadership comes in many shapes and forms, and some CEOs are known to be slightly more ambitious and reckless than others. In 2018, Chesapeake Energy's CEO, Aubrey McClendon, made the news when he was questioned near the legitimacy of borrowing money from some of his investment wells.

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It was revealed he had borrowed more than than $1 billion for personal investments in wells that were initiated by Chesapeake. The reports completely tarnished the company'southward reputation, with many believing Chesapeake was no longer a natural gas visitor, only rather a domain for McClendon'due south personal ventures.

Andrew Mason – Groupon

Andrew Mason has been embroiled in quite a few controversies that directly hurt Groupon's reputation with its investors besides as with consumers. The CEO struggled to move on from the visitor'due south fun offset-upwardly life and came under burn enough of times for his behavior, including one incident where he drank beer during one of the investor meetings.

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Wall Street also started to lose faith in the company, claiming that Groupon had lost managerial focus and conviction. In 2012, CNBC named Stonemason the "Worst CEO of the Year," claiming his antics put a bad image on the company's corporate reputation.

Martin Shkreli – Turing Pharmaceuticals

One of the biggest pharma scandals was perpetrated by CEO Martin Shkreli, oftentimes dubbed one of the well-nigh hated men in America. Shkreli received global criticism in 2015 after raising the price of a common drug used to care for parasitic diseases.

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Information technology may be quite normal for drug companies to heighten their pricing, but because of Shkreli's decisions, this particular antiparasitic was existence sold for $750 per pill instead of $13.50 per pill. He was also charged with securities fraud, resulting in a seven-year prison house judgement and a fine of more than $7 million. He is currently in prison.

Bongani Nqwababa and Stephen Cornell – Sasol

Some companies have joint CEOs in order to complement each other's business and leadership skills. Of form, that approach doesn't always work out. Bongani Nqwababa and Stephen Cornell both agreed to resign later on initiating a projection that cost the visitor more than than $12 billion and dramatically lowered Sasol's share cost past 44%.

Photograph Courtesy: Juhasz Imre/Pexels

An investigation into the projection uncovered misconduct and incompetence at top management levels every bit well as financial communications with the co-CEOs. Afterwards the 2 executives resigned, the company's share toll went back up based on the promise of a meliorate company culture and management.

Sanjay Kumar – Figurer Assembly International

The infamous 2004 Computer Associates International fraud scandal put the company's reputation at risk. The multi-billion-dollar fraud involved the participation of many employees, from superlative-level management all the mode downwards, but the main person responsible was the CEO, Sanjay Kumar.

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The company was defendant of intentionally miscalculating its revenues in the previous quarter, committing a serious regulatory criminal offense and harming the company's relationship with its shareholders. It was proven that top management removed contract time stamps and did everything they could to falsely inflate sales and profits. Kumar was arrested in 2006 and released from prison in 2017.

John Fellows Akers – IBM

IBM's reputation amid employees (likewise as non-employees) tends to be beneath average. In the late '80s, the company's CEO, John Fellows Akers, made some significant changes to speed up the process of delivering their products to the market.

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He created three democratic organizations within the company, but the strategy wasn't successful. Instead, it resulted in huge concern losses equally well as more than than twoscore,000 employees losing their jobs. He was ultimately removed by the board, and the visitor is withal trying to rebuild IBM's reputation with both consumers and employees.

Adam Neumann – WeWork

WeWork was without a doubt one of the most successful coworking and co-living startups — for a while. However, in 2019, the company'southward downfall started when its CEO, Adam Neumann, began to lose the confidence of the visitor'southward investors due to his inability to run the public corporation efficiently.

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In the midst of savage losses, Neumann stepped downwardly from his CEO position, but not before he received almost $200 million in consultancy fees and most $1 billion from selling WeWork stock to SoftBank. In 2019, Neumann was also sued by a former employee for sexual discrimination.

Kevin Plank – Under Armour

Under Armour has faced many challenges over the past decade, every bit the company has struggled to keep upwards with other sportswear brands like Nike and Adidas. It lost $200 million due to restructuring and layoffs, and many employees came forward with negative allegations well-nigh its CEO, Kevin Plank.

Photo Courtesy: Nathan Cowley/Pexels

The company was criticized for its overly relaxed culture, which included regular company-paid trips to strip clubs. Plank was as well office of an affair scandal with an MSNBC ballast. The company's reputation took a hitting with its shareholders, and Plank was forced to resign.

Marker Parker – Nike

2018 and 2019 were hard years for Nike's PR team, every bit the company's CEO, Mark Parker, was defendant not just of a controversial doping scandal, only also sexual harassment and gender bigotry in the workplace. An investigation revealed emails of Parker communicating with double-decker Alberto Salazar about using performance enhancing drugs that wouldn't exist discovered by doping tests.

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Two ex-employees sued the company, stating that the salaries of women were lower than salaries of men. Parker officially left Nike in 2019, along with several executives and the president of the Nike brand.

Jan Singer – Victoria's Secret

Victoria's Secret has reportedly struggled with sales and profits over the by couple of years. In 2018, the visitor's CEO, Jan Singer, resigned when a Vogue interview with Victoria Surreptitious's chief marketing officer highlighted that the company'south controversial strategy was to market place its products simply to certain types of women.

Photo Courtesy: Artem Beliaikin/Pexels

The company has also been criticized for not responding to the consumer demand to put condolement before lace as well equally failing to encompass inclusivity. Unable to satisfy these demands and restore the company'southward reputation, Jan Singer resigned.

John McAfee – McAfee

McAfee'south sometime CEO, John McAfee, has led a life that could have been taken straight out of an intense crime movie. Subsequently relocating to Belize, McAfee was questioned by authorities as a person of interest in the murder of an American expatriate.

Photograph Courtesy: John Petalcurin/Pexels

The interrogations fabricated McAfee avert Belize and relocate to Guatemala, where he proceeded to blog about his time on the run from the police. He was then arrested and almost faced deportation, but he faked two minor heart attacks to buy fourth dimension for his lawyer to file an appeal. We couldn't make upwards this kind of crazy if nosotros tried!

Elon Musk – Tesla

Although Tesla is condign more and more popular, Elon Musk is no stranger to outrageous controversies. He might non compare to some of the other CEOs on our list for bad management, but information technology has been reported that Musk is one of the toughest bosses out there.

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In 2015, he reportedly scolded an employee for leaving for the nascency of his child instead of staying at work. Tesla workers have also come up forward to claim they were fired for taking ill or maternity leave. Apparently, the law means nothing to Musk, and the visitor has faced several lawsuits, including some related to bigotry and harassment.

Bernardo Hees – Kraft Heinz

Kraft Heinz faced a big shakeup in 2019 later on its CEO stepped downward in the wake of a huge value turn down in the company's stock price. Originally divide companies, Kraft and Heinz merged when they were caused by 3G Capital.

Photo Courtesy: Caio Resende/Pexels

Bernardo Hees took command of the company and came under burn for his strict management and baroque rules, which included ane that wouldn't permit employees to bring rival food brands into the office. This had a dramatic upshot on the company's in-house reputation, particularly later on many layoffs and budget cuts related to operating and managing the visitor.

Marissa Mayer – Yahoo

Marissa Mayer has been named one of the worst CEOs in American history. Impressive, right? She took over Yahoo in 2012 in hopes of restoring the search engine'south greatness so it could compete with giants similar Google. Her strategy involved acquiring 53 net companies. Nevertheless, autonomously from Tumblr, none of them made any pregnant racket in the online world.

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Additionally, the Tumblr acquisition ended with its value decreasing past a staggering $230 million. She besides prevented employees from working from dwelling house in an endeavor to bring the team closer together over again. None of the strategies worked and only resulted in layoffs and her official dismissal.

Kenneth Lay – Enron

Kenneth Lay was a huge figure in Enron's early on days, every bit information technology made its mode to the meridian as an free energy-trading behemothic. Unfortunately, bad business practices led to the visitor'south downfall. Afterwards investigators uncovered accounting fraud, the business concern' stock price plummeted from $90 to $1, and its shareholders lost $11 billion.

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The loss resulted in Enron filing for defalcation in what was one of the largest corporate bankruptcies in America. Lay and another Enron executive, Jeffrey Skilling, were arrested for fraud and conspiracy. Lay passed away from a heart attack during the sentencing phase of his trial. Skilling spent years in prison house and was released in 2019.

Bernie Ebbers – MCI WorldCom

In 2002, the success of MCI WorldCom's business organization ventures came to a crushing end. Bernie Ebbers, the visitor's CEO, was involved in the largest accounting fraud in history, making a staggering $11 billion in misstatements. Ebbers was likewise defendant of taking millions of dollars from the visitor for personal loans.

Photo Courtesy: Lukas/Pexels

It was too tardily to save the company at that indicate. The huge scandal plummeted MCI WorldCom'due south stock cost, and the company's shareholders lost more $100 billion. Ebbers was arrested and sentenced to 25 years in prison. He is set up to exist released in 2028.

Marking Hurd – Hewlett-Packard

Mark Hurd may not be on the same level as some of the CEOs on our list, but that doesn't mean he's not guilty of some wrongdoing. He was fired equally CEO of Hewlett-Packard after he was caught submitting inaccurate expense reports. To make matters worse, he tried to hide his relationship with a female contractor who was involved with the business.

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Hurd was fired for inaccurate expense reporting and demonstrating poor leadership skills that didn't live upwardly to CEO standards. The decision was unanimously made past the board, who stated that his "conduct undermined the standards" gear up for employees.

James McDermott – Keefe, Bruyette & Woods

Keefe, Bruyette & Woods is an investment bank that didn't get by without a scandal in the late '90s. The company's CEO, James McDermott, was involved in a relationship with an adult film extra, Marilyn Star (also frequently styled equally Marylin Star). He revealed confidential company information about a hereafter merger, and Star passed the data on to another lover.

Photograph Courtesy: maitree rimthong/Pexels

The couple used McDermott'due south information to invest in the stock market place and made more than $fourscore,000. McDermott was arrested and forced to pay a fine of $230,000, while Star only faced a few months in jail.

Martha Stewart – Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia

Ah, Martha Stewart — what do y'all think well-nigh when you hear that proper name? Starting her catering visitor back in 1976, Stewart soon became a force to be reckoned with in the culinary world. She launched her own company, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia, and that'south when things started to go downhill.

Photograph Courtesy: Maarten van den Heuvel/Pexels

She was found guilty of conspiracy and insider trading and served five months in a minimum security prison house. Although her brand recovered from the bad press, Stewart is often associated with time in prison every bit much as culinary success.

Abby Lee Miller – Abby Lee Dance Company

Abby Lee Miller is an infamous dance teacher and the owner of Abby Lee Dance Company. Climbing to fame due to the Telly show Dance Moms, Miller showed the world her character as one of the toughest dance teachers around.

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In 2015, her reputation took a hitting when she was charged with bankruptcy fraud and hiding more than $700,000 in assets. She was convicted and sentenced to one twelvemonth in prison. As of 2019, Miller is back pedagogy, merely her reputation will never be the same again.

John Browne – BP

The John Browne scandal is slightly different than the others on our list. Browne, the CEO of BP, lied under oath when he was asked about his human relationship with his swain. Specifically, he lied about how they start met, proverb they were both jogging in London when, in fact, they met through a male escort agency.

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This resulted in a permanent dismissal from the visitor, generally to ensure damage command before perjury accusations could injure the brand. Browne as well forfeited a multimillion-dollar severance parcel upon his leave.

David Edmondson – RadioShack

David Edmondson spent more than 10 years at RadioShack earlier revealing a shocking truth — he had lied on his CV. The CEO of the company claimed he had received a theology and psychology degree, but he actually just finished 2 semesters at a schoolhouse where a psychology degree was never even offered.

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In truth, he didn't hold any degrees whatever. He admitted to lying on his resume in 2006 and resigned shortly later that. The discovery came about after Edmondson was arrested for DUI, and a newspaper started excavation up information about his past.

Harry Stonecipher – Boeing

Boeing is no stranger to controversies from inside and exterior the company. In 2003, Harry Stonecipher came out of retirement and became the visitor's CEO, just he didn't seem to larn anything from the one-time CEOs' mistakes.

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Diplomacy with employees are a huge no-no in the business organisation world, and Stonecipher just didn't listen. An investigation into his emails with ane of his executives confirmed the affair, forcing Stonecipher to resign after just 18 months in the position. Subsequently news of the affair broke, his wife filed for divorce. At to the lowest degree it was for true love, as Stonecipher later married the employee.

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